Les Logiciels Budj’hète Inc., the creator of Kanj0, was founded with the goal of revolutionizing the world of accounting and making it accessible to small start-ups, self-employed individuals and large corporations alike. All of them have different accounting needs, and all should have access to an accounting software that fits them, is easy to use and does not require a Master of Finance to understand it.
Located in the greater Montreal area, the company is made up of a great team of programmers and specialists in marketing and finances, and Kanjō is the result of our passion and determination to offer you simplified accounting.
In Japanese, Kanjō resembles this: 勘定 and, depending on the context, can mean many things. One of the translations that caught our attention is associated with the notion of “Account”, because we know that accounting is full of accounts of all kinds. Kanjō can also mean “prosperity, wealth“, which was auspicious and something we also wish you from the bottom of our heart. So we decided to change the name of our software so that it better reflects this ideology and above all, is a lot easier to spell it and type quickly 😉
Founders, programmers, designers, engineers, integrators, customer service specialists, writers, accountants …