Here are the new features we have simmered for you
Filtres automatiques et manuels de vos listes de clients, factures et produits. Ils se classent instantanément, selon le filtre choisi.
In addition to automatic SmartLists, you can also filter by date range, which allows for a quick search. You can limit searches for invoices, estimates, orders, expenses, payrolls, and reports.
Nouveau module Projet. Suivez vos coûts et revenus pour chaque projet
Sachez exactement où en est votre comptabilité. De nouveaux rapports vous aideront !
Les trucs plates qu’on déteste faire, on est encore obligé de les faire, même avec Kanjō. Par contre, on vous en facilite la tâche. Comme, par exemple, créer votre rapport de taxes ou de D.A.S., ou encore entrer un paiement à un fournisseur, le tout en quelques secondes. Ou alors, recevoir un paiement d’un client (ça, c’est plus intéressant!)
Uniquement pour les comptables et professionnels de ce monde obscur, sur preuve de titre…
We must not forget them! We thought of them, as much as you. You want ultra easy ergonomics, and accountants want it complicated? No problem! Accounting functions are in a little racoin, dedicated to them! The rest is always easy.
We have developed a prototype to create conciliation reports, also commonly known as bank reconciliation. The first phase of this project will consist of the most used method, that is to say the manual validation of your entries, directly in the software. The second phase will come a little later, and will be more automated. It will use the files of your banks to join the accounting automatically.
There are things that must be left to the professionals … As we use an electrician for the electricity of our house. The risks of going on fire are thus reduced, and we are better protected. Same thing for accounting, some transactions should only be processed by an accountant.
Already it is boring to do accounting, it is even more when it comes time to pay the deductions to the government! We have linked tax reports and D.A.S. to payment transactions in Kanjō. No, it does not make the payment directly to the government of your bank account – security requires – but at least the accounting entry will be done automatically for you.
we have to make an appointment with us because updating your database requires some care. Backup, manual update and explanation of operation will be needed … Write us here to book your appointment.
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